Interactive Data Visualization with R

A comparison of the dynamic visualization packages ggiraph, plotly and highcharter for the programming language R

Christoph Scheuch


January 23, 2024

Interactive figures are an essential tool for communicating data insights, in particular in reports or dashboards. In this blog post, I compare different packages for dynamic data visualization in R. Before we dive into the comparison, here is a quick introduction to each contestant.

ggiraph is a package designed to enhance the interactivity of ggplot2 visualizations. ggiraph allows users to create dynamic and interactive graphics that can include features such as tooltips, clickable elements, and JavaScript actions. This is particularly useful for web-based data visualizations and interactive reporting.

plotly is a powerful framework for creating interactive, web-based data visualizations directly from R. It serves as an interface to the Plotly javascript library, enabling R users to create a wide range of highly interactive and dynamic plots that can be viewed in any web browser. One of the key features of plotly is its ability to add interactivity to plots with minimal effort. Interactive features include tooltips, zooming, panning, and selection capabilities, allowing users to explore and interact with the data in depth. Furthermore, plotly integrates seamlessly with the ggplot2 package, allowing users to convert ggplot2 figures into interactive plotly charts using the ggplotly() function.

The highcharter package is a wrapper for the Highcharts javascript library and its modules. Highcharts is very flexible and customizable javascript charting library and it has a powerful API. highcharter stands out for its emphasis on creating visually appealing, interactive charts.

I compare code to generate ggiraph, plotly, ggplotly, and highcharter output in the post below. The types of plots that I chose for the comparison heavily draw on the examples given in R for Data Science - an amazing resource if you want to get started with data visualization. Spoiler alert: I’m not always able to replicate the same figure with all approaches (yet).

Loading packages and data

We start by loading the main packages of interest (ggiraph, plotly, highcharter), dplyr and purr for data manipulation tools, and the popular palmerpenguins data. We then use the penguins data frame as the data to compare all functions and methods below. Note that I drop all rows with missing values because I don’t want to get into related messages in this post.


penguins <- na.omit(palmerpenguins::penguins)

A full-blown example

Let”s start with an advanced example that combines many different aesthetics at the same time: we plot two columns against each other, use color and shape aesthetics do differentiate species, include separate regression lines for each species, manually set nice labels, and use a theme. You can click through the results in the tabs below.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to add species-specific regression lines to the plotly output - do you have any idea? Feel free to drop a comment below. You can also see that adding regression lines to highcharter plots requires a lot of manual tinkering compared to ggplot2. Moreoever, plotly does not support subtitles, while, for some reason, plotly::ggplotly() and highcharter don’t display the subtitles.

fig_full <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, 
             color = species, shape = species)) + 
    aes(tooltip = paste("bill_length_mm:", bill_length_mm, "<br>",
                        "bill_depth_mm:", bill_depth_mm)),
    size = 2
  ) + 
  geom_smooth_interactive(method = "lm", formula = "y ~ x") +
  labs(x = "Bill length (mm)", y = "Bill width (mm)", 
       title = "Bill length vs. bill width", 
       subtitle = "Using the ggiraph package",
       color = "Species", shape = "Species") +
girafe(ggobj = fig_full)
penguins |> 
  plot_ly(x = ~bill_length_mm, y = ~flipper_length_mm, 
          color = ~species, symbol = ~species,
          type = "scatter", mode = "markers",  marker = list(size = 10)) |> 
    plot_bgcolor = 'white',
    xaxis = list(title = "Bill Length (mm)", zeroline = FALSE, ticklen = 5),
    yaxis = list(title = "Flipper Length (mm)", zeroline = FALSE, ticklen = 5),
    title = "Bill length vs. bill width"
fig_full <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = bill_depth_mm, 
             color = species, shape = species)) + 
  geom_point(size = 2) + 
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", formula = "y ~ x") +
  labs(x = "Bill length (mm)", y = "Bill width (mm)", 
       title = "Bill length vs. bill width", 
       subtitle = "Using ggplot2 and ggplotly() from plotly",
       color = "Species", shape = "Species") +
fig_full <- penguins |> 
  hchart(type = "scatter", 
         hcaes(x = bill_length_mm, y = flipper_length_mm,
               color = species), 
         marker = list(radius = 5)) |> 
  hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "Bill length (mm)")) |> 
  hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Bill width (mm)")) |> 
  hc_title(text = "Bill length vs. bill width") |>
  hc_subtitle("Using highcharter") |> 

species_unique <- levels(penguins$species)
colors <- c("#440154", "#21908C", "#FDE725")
for(j in seq_along(species_unique)) {
  penguins_subset <- penguins |> 
    filter(species == species_unique[j])
  regression <- lm(flipper_length_mm ~ bill_length_mm, data = penguins_subset)
  intercept <- regression$coefficients[1]
  slope <- regression$coefficients[2]
  values_range <- range(penguins_subset$bill_length_mm, na.rm = TRUE)
  line_data <- tibble(
    bill_length_mm = values_range,
    flipper_length_mm = intercept + slope * values_range
  fig_full <- fig_full |>  
    hc_add_series(data = list_parse2(line_data), 
                  type = "line", marker = "none",
                  color = colors[j])


Visualizing distributions

A categorical variable

Let’s break down the differences in smaller steps by focusing on simpler examples. If you have a categorical variable and want to compare its relevance in your data, then ggiraph::geom_bar_interactive(), plotly::plot_ly(type = "bar") and highcharter::hchart(type = "column") are your friends. However, to show the counts, you have to manually prepare the data for plot_ly() and hchart() (as far as I know).

Notice how you have to manually specify the tooltip to show the counts on hover in geom_bar_interactive() and that data_id determines which bar is highlighted on hover.

fig_categorical <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = island)) +
  geom_bar_interactive(aes(tooltip = paste("count:", after_stat(count)),
                           data_id = island))
girafe(ggobj = fig_categorical)
penguins |> 
  count(island) |> 
  plot_ly(data = _, x = ~island, y = ~n, type = "bar") |> 
  layout(barmode = 'stack')
fig_categorical <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = island)) +
penguins |> 
  count(island) |> 
  hchart(type = "column", 
         hcaes(x = island, y = n))

A numerical variable

If you have a numerical variable, usually histograms are a good starting point to get a better feeling for the distribution of your data. ggiraph::geom_histogram_interactive(), plotly::plot_ly(type = "histogram"), highcharter::hchart() with options to control bin widths or number of bins are the functions for this task.

Note that the binning algorithms are different across the approaches: while ggpplot2 creates bins around a midpoint (e.g. 34), plotly and highcharter create bins across a range (e.g. between 34-35.9). This leads to seemingly different histograms, but none of them is wrong.

Moreover, note that the data property is not available for histograms in highcharter, unlike most other Highcharts series,1, so we need to pass penguins$bill_length_mm. This is tidy anti-pattern and cost me quite some time to figure out.

fig_numerical <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm)) +
    aes(tooltip = paste("bill_length_mm:", after_stat(count))),
    binwidth = 2
girafe(ggobj = fig_numerical)
plot_ly(penguins, x = ~bill_length_mm, type = "histogram",
        xbins = list(size = 2))
fig_numerical <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 2)
hchart(penguins$bill_length_mm) |> 
  hc_plotOptions(series = list(binWidth = 2))

Visualizing relationships

A numerical and a categorical variable

To visualize relationships, you need to have at least two columns. If you have a numerical and a categorical variable, then histograms or densities with groups are a good starting point. The next example illustrates the use of densities via ggiraph::geom_density_interactive() and plotly::plot_ly(histnorm = "probability density). For highcharter, you need to comute the density estimates yourself and then add them as lines to a plot.

Note that plotly offers no out-of-the-box support for density curves as ggplot2, so we’d have to manually create densities and draw the curves. Also, note that it is currently not possible to use the after_stat(density) aesthetic in the tooltip.

fig_density <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = body_mass_g, color = species, fill = species)) +
    aes(tooltip = paste("Species:", species)),
    linewidth = 0.75, alpha = 0.5
girafe(ggobj = fig_density)
plot_ly(penguins, x = ~body_mass_g,
        type = "histogram", histnorm = "probability density",
        color = ~species, opacity = 0.5) |> 
  layout(barmode = "overlay")
fig_density <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = body_mass_g, color = species, fill = species)) +
  geom_density(linewidth = 0.75, alpha = 0.5)
series <- map(levels(penguins$species), function(x){
  penguins_subset <- penguins |> 
    filter(species == x)
  data <- density(penguins_subset$body_mass_g)[1:2] |> |> 
  list(data = data, name = x)

highchart() |> 

Two categorical columns

Stacked bar plots are a good way to display the relationship between two categorical columns. geom_bar_interactive() with the position argument, plotly::plot_ly(type = "bar") and highcharter::hchart(type = "column") are your aesthetics of choice for this task. Note that you can easily switch to counts by using position = "identity" in ggplotl2 instead of relative frequencies as in the example below, while you have to manually prepare the data to funnel counts or percentages to plotly and highcharter, while ggplot2 handles these things automatically.

fig_two_categorical <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = species, fill = island)) +
    aes(tooltip = paste(fill, ":", after_stat(count)),
        data_id = island),
    position = "fill"
girafe(ggobj = fig_two_categorical)
penguins |> 
  count(species, island) |> 
  group_by(species) |> 
  mutate(percentage = n / sum(n)) |> 
  plot_ly(x = ~species, y = ~percentage, type = "bar", color = ~island) |> 
  layout(barmode = "stack")
fig_two_categorical <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = species, fill = island)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill")
penguins |> 
  count(species, island) |> 
  group_by(species) |> 
  mutate(percentage = n / sum(n)) |>
  hchart(type = "column", 
         hcaes(x = species, y = percentage, group = island)) |> 
  hc_plotOptions(series = list(stacking = "percent"))

Two numerical columns

Scatter plots and regression lines are definitely the most common approach for visualizing the relationship between two numerical columns and we focus on scatter plots for this example (see the first visualization example if you want to see again how to add a regression line). Here, the size parameter controls the size of the shapes that you use for the data points in ggiraph::geom_point_interactive() relative to the base size (i.e., it is not tied to any unit of measurement like pixels). For plotly.plot_ly(type = "scatter") you also have the size to control point sizes manually through the marker options, where size is measured in pixels. For highcharter, you can specify point sizes via radius in the marker options, where it is also measured in pixels (so to get points with diameter 10 pixels, you need a radius of 5).

fig_two_columns <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = flipper_length_mm)) +
    aes(tooltip = paste("bill_length_mm:", bill_length_mm, "<br>",
                        "flipper_length_mm:", flipper_length_mm)), 
    size = 2
girafe(ggobj = fig_two_columns)
plot_ly(data = penguins, x = ~bill_length_mm, y = ~flipper_length_mm, 
        type = "scatter", mode = "markers",  marker = list(size = 10))
fig_two_columns <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = flipper_length_mm)) +
  geom_point(size = 2)
penguins |> 
  hchart(type = "scatter", 
         hcaes(x = bill_length_mm, y = flipper_length_mm), 
         marker = list(radius = 5))

Three or more columns

You can include more information by mapping columns to additional aesthetics. For instance, we can map colors and shapes to species and create separate plots for each island by using facets. Facets are actually a great way to extend your figures, so I highly recommend playing around with them using your own data.

In ggplot2 you add the facet layer at the end, whereas in plotly you have to start with the facet grid at the beginning and map scatter plots across facets. However, I was not able to achieve two things in plotly: how can we have subtitles for each subplot similar to ggplot2? How can I have a shared legend across facets? Both seem to work nicely in Python, at least (see my post here). If you have an idea, please create a comment below!

For highcharter, I have no idea how to make shared legends or keep the axis in sync across subplots, while both are easily customizable in ggplot2.

fig_many_columns <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = flipper_length_mm)) +
    aes(color = species, shape = species,
        tooltip = paste("bill_length_mm:", bill_length_mm, "<br>",
                        "flipper_length_mm:", flipper_length_mm, "<br>",
                        "species:", species))
  ) +
girafe(ggobj = fig_many_columns)
penguins |>
  group_by(island) |>
    plot_ly(data = ., x = ~bill_length_mm, y = ~flipper_length_mm, 
                     color = ~species, type = "scatter", mode = "markers")
    }, .keep = TRUE) |>
  subplot(nrows = 1, shareX = TRUE, shareY = TRUE)
fig_many_columns <- penguins |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = bill_length_mm, y = flipper_length_mm)) +
  geom_point(aes(color = species, shape = species)) +

Using hw_grid() does not work qith Quarto (which this blog is built on) because of CSS conflicts. See the discussion of this issue here. In your IDE, there should be three plots next to each other.

plots <- map(levels(penguins$island), function(x) {
  penguins_subset <- penguins  |> 
    filter(island == x)

         type = "scatter", 
         hcaes(x = bill_length_mm, y = flipper_length_mm, 
               color = species, symbol = species)) |> 
    hc_title(text = x)  |> 
    hc_legend(enabled = FALSE)

hw_grid(plots, ncol = 3, rowheight = 600)

Time series

As a last example, we quickly dive into time series plots where you typically want to show multiple lines over some time period. Here, I aggregate the number of penguins by year and island and plot the corresponding lines. All packages behave as expected and show similar output.

plotly and highcharter do not directly support setting line styles based on a variable like island within their syntax. Instead, you have to iterate over each group and manually set the line style for each island, which I omit here.

fig_time <- penguins |> 
  count(year, island) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = n, group = island, color = island)) +
  geom_line_interactive(aes(linetype = island,
                            tooltip = paste("island:", island, "<br>", 
                                            "count:", n)))
girafe(ggobj = fig_time)
penguins |> 
  count(year, island) |> 
  plot_ly(x = ~year, y = ~n, color = ~island, 
          type = "scatter", mode = "lines")
fig_time <- penguins |> 
  count(year, island) |> 
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = n, color = island)) +
  geom_line(aes(linetype = island))
penguins |> 
  count(year, island)  |> 
  hchart(type = "line", 
         hcaes(x = year, y = n, group = island))


ggiraph is really promising and allows you to create beautiful interactive figures using the grammar of graphics. If you wan to learn more, I recommend Albert Rapp’s blog post, where he’ll also show you how to use a shiny backend to enhance interactivity.

I really like the visual appearance and user experience of highcharter, but I still prefer the efficiency of ggplot2 in combination with plotly. The ggplotly() function provides a powerful tool for quick, interactive data visualization of complex relationships that you prototype with ggplot2.

plotly and highcharter require relatively more tinkering as the complexity of plots increases (e.g. if you want to add regression lines). But maybe I just missed some shortcuts. Do you know any that I should include?


  1. See the official documentation here.↩︎