Tidy Intelligence
Generative AI
Unsupervised Learning
Rapid RAG Prototyping
Building a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) prototype with
in R
Global Debt Networks
Explore external debt relationships with interactive networks in R
Sakura Visualizations
Visualizing first and full cherry blossom bloom dates for Japanese regions using R and Python
Tidy Data Manipulation: dplyr vs siuba
A comparison of R’s dplyr and Python’s siuba data manipulation packages
Tidy Classification Models: Customer Churn Prediction
A comparison of classification approaches using the tidymodels R package
Tidy Fixed Effects Regressions: fixest vs pyfixest
A comparison of packages for fast fixed-effects estimation in R and Python
Tidy Data Visualization: ggplot2 vs matplotlib
A comparison of the two most popular data visualization tools for R and Python
Interactive Data Visualization with Python
A comparison of the dynamic visualization libraries plotly, bokeh and altair for the programming language Python
Interactive Data Visualization with R
A comparison of the dynamic visualization packages ggiraph, plotly and highcharter for the programming language R
Tidy Data: Tabular Data Storage Comparison
A comparison of popular open-source data storage technologies using R and Python
Tidy Data Visualization: ggplot2 vs seaborn
A comparison of two popular data visualization tools for R and Python
Tidy Data Visualization: ggplot2 vs plotnine
A comparison of implementations of the grammar of graphics in R and Python.
Tidy Data Manipulation: dplyr vs TidierData
A comparison of R’s dplyr and Julia’s TidierData data manipulation packages
Tidy Data Manipulation: dplyr vs pandas
A comparison of R’s dplyr and Python’s pandas data manipulation packages
Tidy Data Manipulation: dplyr vs ibis
A comparison of R’s dplyr and Python’s ibis data manipulation packages
Tidy Data Manipulation: dplyr vs polars
A comparison of R’s dplyr and Python’s polars data manipulation packages
Analyzing Seasonality in DAX Returns
Debunking the Halloween indicator for German market returns using R
Scraping ESG Data from Yahoo Finance
How to scrape environmental, social and governance risk scores using R
Clustering Binary Data
An application of different unsupervised learning approaches to cluster simulated survey responses using R
Tidy Data: A Recipe for Efficient Data Analysis
On the importance of tidy data for efficient analysis using the analogy of a well-organized kitchen
Tidy Collaborative Filtering: Building A Stock Recommender
A simple implementation for prototyping multiple collaborative filtering algorithms using R
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